With 100% national technology developed in partnership with Brazilian universities, Minerva Biodiesel adds value to the byproduct of cattle slaughter while strengthening Minerva Foods’ commitment to environmental sustainability.
The biodiesel produced by Minerva has the Social Fuel Seal, a program that attributes its holder the character of promoter of social inclusion for cattle ranchers and family farmers who have the Declaration of Eligibility for Pronaf (D.A.P).
Minerva Biodiesel produces a renewable energy source with social certification for biofuel from vegetable and animal fats, such as beef tallow.

The tallow (which is one of the raw materials used for biodiesel production) is sourced from Minerva Foods’ production plants located in Brazil and also from third parties. For production, recovered oils and other sources of vegetable oils and fats such as soybean, cotton, and corn oil are used.
With a facility in Palmeiras de Goiás – GO, Minerva Biodiesel has a production capacity of 200m³/day.

Since 2021, Minerva Biodiesel took another step towards sustainability, this time entering the decarbonization market of RenovaBio, obtaining certification for the issuance of CBIOs.
Minerva Biodiesel implemented a new certification to cater to international markets, the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), thus adding value and reinforcing the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability.