Agribusiness is one of Brazil’s main economic activities, and there is increasing investment in research and technology. In recent years, the country has established itself as one of the world’s leading beef producers.
The area occupied by pastures peaked in 2007 at 173.5 million hectares. Since then, 16 years later, it has decreased by 18 million hectares. This reduction is the result of agricultural expansion and the drive for intensification, highlighting the need for strategic management of changes in Brazil’s agricultural landscape.
Considering Brazil’s intensive agricultural systems, feedlot cattle farming – particularly in the breeding and finishing phases – has emerged as a strategy to produce high-quality meat in a smaller area and less time (Benchmarking Confina Brasil, 2023).
However, it is important to note that the success of this activity depends on several key factors, such as feed management, which goes far beyond providing a balanced diet with quality ingredients.
Feedlot Nutrition: Pay Attention to the Feeder!
The supply of food in a way that ensures the right quality and quantity daily is known as feeder management.
The consistency of this management, which essentially involves “when” and “how” to feed the cattle, is directly linked to feeder readings, schedules, and the number of daily feedings (VASCONCELOS, 2007).
Cattle adapt to routines, so it is recommended to standardize feeding times and avoid delays, respecting their consumption habits.
The highest food demand occurs early in the morning, late in the afternoon, and at night. It is advisable to provide a larger portion during the last feeding of the day, keeping in mind that the next feeding will not be until the following day.
According to the data from Benchmarking Confina Brasil 2023, an average of 3.8 daily feedings is offered across 180 surveyed properties. The maximum number of feedings was up to 9 times a day, as seen in feedlots in the southern part of the country, which have automated feeding systems.
Image 1.
Average number of daily feedings in the surveyed feedlots by state.

Source: Confina Brasil / Developed by Scot Consultoria
Improper management affects dry matter consumption, which can lead to metabolic disorders, compromise herd health, and consequently increase the price of the produced cattle.
Dividing the diet not only reduces losses but also the intensity of fatty acid production from ruminal fermentation in each meal, simply because there is less food available to be fermented. When meals are spaced over a short period, the rumen pH may still be low due to the fermentation of the previous meal, and a new food intake can easily cause the pH to fall out of the ideal range (EMBRAPA).
According to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, another important point to consider is the homogenization of the diet, which, when done correctly, prevents cattle from selecting the part of the feed with the highest fermentation index. This occurs when the animal selects the bulk concentrate or a more fermentable concentrated ingredient.
Does Feeder Reading Matter?
It is recommended that readings be done in the morning, before the first feeding of the day, by assigning scores to the remaining feed in the feeder.
According to Benchmarking Confina Brasil 2023, 37% of the respondents perform a morning feeder reading and adjust by pen, while 29% perform two readings (morning and evening) for fine-tuning (Image 2).
Image 2
List of companies surveyed by Confina Brasil in 2023 that do or do not perform feeder readings.

Source: Confina Brasil / Developed by Scot Consultoria
Poorly mixed ingredients, inadequate feeding, and poor feeder spacing – among other factors – affect consumption and, consequently, the cattle’s productivity efficiency.
This is why daily visual assessments by the same trained person are important to avoid conflicting observations. It is crucial to have a standard, defined by the person in charge of the readings, to avoid missing or excessive amounts.
What About Water?
According to Julio Cesar Palhares, researcher at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, water is the main factor in animal nutrition. For the expert, only after considering water should one think about feeding. There is much talk about pasture and grain quality but little about water quality, which is a contradiction when it comes to livestock production.
It is not common in Brazil to evaluate cattle’s water consumption – not just the consumption, but also the physical and chemical parameters of this water. Poor water quality that animals have access to can cause diseases and even the death of young animals, as well as affect feed intake, says Palhares.
Final Considerations
Nutrition is part of the tripod – genetics, management, and feeding – that maintains dynamics and directly affects beef production in Brazil. There are many challenges involved in planning feeding strategies, such as ensuring adequate nutrient levels to ensure good cattle performance for economic efficiency.
Therefore, each farm must establish its ideal feeding management, based on its production reality. The ingredients used, livestock facilities, available labor, and other relevant factors must always be taken into consideration.