Minerva is working to become part of the solution in the transition to a low carbon emission economy, bringing together the preservation of natural resources, ensuring animal welfare, as well as solid governance practices, based on the principles of ethics, integrity and care for individuals.
Our Strategy
We are continuously improving on our environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) agenda. Through the mapping and monitoring of risks and impacts in the production chain, we are defining our priorities for action.
Sustainability is a value for the company, and through it we seek to contribute to the conservation of the planet, to the prosperity of people, and to the well-being of animals. Within the premises defined for instilling the value of sustainability in our organizational culture are the following:
Consider the impacts on the environment and surrounding communities at all time when making decisions;
Respect diversity and promote inclusion without discrimination of any kind;
Use natural resources conscientiously and responsibly; and
Act in favor of people and animals.

To achieve optimized and solid results in our initiatives, projects and partnerships, our focus has been organized around the pillars that make up our ESG agenda.
Dedication to the Planet

We are fully committed to environmental responsibility from start to finish in the cattle-raising chain.
Our focus is on
Reduction of the Carbon Footprint;
Combat climate change and illegal deforestation with monitoring of the cattle supply chain;
Efficient use of natural resources in the production process.
Prosperity of Our People

Caring for those within and outside our operations, respecting Human Rights and undertaking social development initiatives are part of our commitment.
Our focus is on
Local development, creating jobs, income, and professional opportunities;
Health, safety, and well-being of individuals;
Engaging and supporting the surrounding communities and rural producers.
Product Quality and Respect for Life

Ensuring the highest standards for both safety and food quality and animal welfare at all stages of handling.
Our focus is on
Assurance of food quality and safety;
Compliance with best animal welfare practices;
Innovation and certification of processes and steps in the production chain.
Solid and Committed Management

Best practices in governance and risk management, guaranteeing transparency, equity, and corporate responsibility.
Our focus is on
Ethical conduct and integrity in our processes and in our relationships with stakeholders;
Solid risk management and analysis of business opportunities;
Transparency and commitment towards generating value for our shareholders.
We have a team dedicated to defining our strategy and the projects and actions that will be carried out, based on our pillars of activity.
It is the Company’s highest governance body and is responsible for establishing all guidelines for the strategy of the business areas and oversee their results.
Board of Directors
It is responsible for supporting senior management in defining sustainability practices, as well as monitoring and discussing the results. It is composed of board members and three independent members with extensive experience in sustainability and agribusiness.
Sustainability and Innovation Advisory Board
The CEO, CFO, CTO, CHRO* and other members of the Senior Management, are responsible for establishing the projects and initiatives in order to implement the Company’s strategy, approve investments, and oversee the results obtained.
Senior Management
It is the function of the commission to advance the sustainability agenda throughout the organization and to assist in decision making related to environmental, social and governance issues. The structure is made up of members of the Company’s board of directors.
Is committed to maintaining relationships with external stakeholders in order to communicate the Company’s strategy and engage other related parties.
Institutional Relations Board
Dedicated team responsible for the tactical and operational execution of projects and actions to fulfill the sustainability strategy and commitments. It consists of 25 professionals subdivided into two departments responsible for topics such as traceability of the production chain, management of greenhouse gas emissions, institutional engagement with stakeholders and the Renove program, devoted to promoting low carbon livestock production.
Executive Sustainability Management
*CEO: Chief Executive Officer /CFO: Chief Financial Officer/CTO: Chief Transformation Officer/CHRO: Chief Human Resources Officer
Further information regarding the composition of the management bodies can be found under the tab Solid and Committed Management.
Industry Commitment
We actively participate in discussion groups and sector and global agendas to promote sustainable livestock production, animal welfare, and social responsibility in our production chain. Learn more about these initiatives:

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef – GRSB
The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is a multi-sectoral initiative with representatives from all beef production and consumption regions around the world. The group promotes greater improvement in sustainable beef production through joint efforts among members and by promoting the use of best environmental, land use, and animal welfare practices.
Learn moreBrazilian Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock (MBPS)
This roundtable promotes the sustainable development of the livestock chain, by creating working groups, distributing information and supporting the continuous improvement of the activity, bearing in mind the balance between the economic, social and environmental pillars.
Learn moreGrupo de Trabalho de Fornecedores Indiretos (GTFI)
The GTFI (Indirect Suppliers Work Group) brings together the various stakeholders of the beef production chain in Brazil to discuss the issue of indirect suppliers and identify potential solutions for traceability, monitoring and transparency with a focus on controlling deforestation among indirect suppliers.
Learn moreMesa Paraguaya de Carne Sostenible (MPCS)
The MPCS (Roundtable on Sustainable Meat in Paraguay) is a multidisciplinary group that brings together representatives from the entire livestock chain to discuss criteria for the development of sustainable livestock production in Paraguay. Among the criteria are respect for the environment, animal welfare assurance, and the development of economically viable solutions.
Learn moreMesa de Ganadería Sostenible de Colombia
The objective of the Sustainable Livestock Board of Colombia is, through the union of representatives from public and private organizations, to define a national sustainable cattle ranching policy in Colombia.
United Nations Global Compact
The Pact is a UN initiative to engage governments and companies in promoting sustainable growth and citizenship. It has 10 principles that propose the development of reference practices in Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
Learn moreEthos Institute
We are associated with the Ethos Institute (Instituto Ethos, in Portuguese) of Companies and Social Responsibility, a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest whose mission is to mobilize, raise awareness, and assist companies in managing their businesses in a socially responsible way, making them partners in building a just and sustainable society.
Clean Company
We are signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, a voluntary commitment undertaken that sets out a set of guidelines to be adopted by the signing companies and entities. An initiative of the Clean Company (Empresa Limpa, in Portuguese) aiming to work with businesses to promote a more honest and ethical market and reduce various corrupt practices. This record is widely publicized and positions itself as a benchmark for ethical behavior in the market.
National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor
The object of this initiative is to involve public and private companies from various sectors in the advancement of decent work. The pact is currently managed by the Pact Institute for the Eradication of Slave Labor, which supports the members in developing strategies for monitoring their value chains.
Learn moreAcknowledgements
The progress in our ESG strategy can be observed in our performance in market appraisal indexes.

IGPTW B3 Index
The IGPTW B3 is the result of a theoretical asset portfolio, devised in accordance with certified companies and the best companies to work for, starting from the national ranking cycle, both prepared by Great Place to Work (GPTW).
Access the portfolioCorporate Sustainability Index (ISE)
For the third consecutive year, we have been listed in the portfolio of the ISE (Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial), of B3, which reflects our commitment to the best social, environmental and governance practices, with sustainability as one of the main pillars in our management model. The current portfolio will be in effect from January 2nd to December 30th, 2023, and has 70 companies from different sectors.
Access the portfolioCarbon Efficient Index (ICO2)
The index is composed of companies that have adopted practices that are transparent with respect to their greenhouse gas emissions. It was developed by B3 in partnership with the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES).
Access the portfolioCarbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
CDP is a non-profit initiative that manages a global system for collecting information available to the outside public. Information is collected on three major issues: Forests, Climate Change and Water Security. Our performance on the three fronts is ranked at management level (B/ B-), in which the company has already adopted actions to address the subjects.
See the detailed reportsForest 500
The ranking, created by Global Canopy, evaluates the risk exposure of companies to deforestation in their supply chain. We are among the top ten companies in sustainability policies in Brazil, which indicates that Minerva Foods is one of those with the lowest risk of having ties to deforestation or potential exposure to forest risk commodity supply chains.
Learn about the initiative
Gold Seal – Brazilian GHG Protocol Program
In 2023, for the third consecutive time, we received the “Gold Seal” for our emissions inventory base year 2022, a top recognition from the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program for the complete reporting of the data and auditing by an independent third party.
Sustainable Food Awards
We achieved one more recognition and won second place in the European prize Sustainable Food Awards 2023, in the Sustainability Pioneer category. We were the first and only Brazilian company to win the award, being recognized globally as a pioneer in sustainability, for playing an important role in building a more sustainable food industry.
In addition to the recognitions we have received, we hold certifications in different quality and food safety protocols, animal welfare and social responsibility. More details.
Our Policies
Our Sustainability strategy is communicated throughout our business via our Code of Ethics and global policies and programs.

Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Food Safety and Social Responsibility Policy
Code of Ethics – Guide of Conduct
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Code of Conduct for Business Partners
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Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy
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Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
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Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy
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Animal Welfare Policy
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Animal Welfare Program
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Risk Management Policy
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Policy for Negotiation of Securities Issued
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Related Party Transactions Policy
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Material Information Disclosure Policy
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Profit Appropriation Policy
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Policy for Nomination of Members of the Board of Directors, Committees, and the Executive Board
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Compensation Policy
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Performance Evaluation Policy
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Sustainability Policy
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Stakeholder Engagement Policy
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Policy for Sourcing of Agricultural Commodities and Animal Products
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Policy for Private Social Investiment
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Other documents related to risk management and corporate governance can be accessed on our Investor Relations website.
Events Calendar
Check out the key dates and events concerning our strategy.
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Our Material Themes
Deforestation and Biodiversity

ESG Minerva Pillar
Dedication to the Planet
Our focus
Internal and external treatment of the theme, involving the value chain in the management of environmental impacts from livestock, fires, legislation restrictions and monitoring of areas at risk of deforestation.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions

ESG Minerva Pillar
Dedication to the planet
Our focus
Measurement, management and reduction of GHG emissions in production and in the value chain; use of renewable energy sources.
Process Traceability

ESG Minerva Pillar
Product Quality and Respect for Life
Our focus
Investments and use of technology for traceability by end consumers, guaranteeing the origin of the raw material.
Ethics and Compliance

ESG Minerva Pillar
Dedication to the Planet
Prosperity of Our People
Product Quality and Respect for Life
Our focus
Ethical and responsible business conduct in business and relationships with partners, including aspects such as anti-corruption and anti-bribery.
Food Quality and Safety

ESG Minerva Pillar
Product Quality and Respect for Life
Our focus
Assurance of food quality and safety throughout the production cycle; physical, social and economic access to safe, healthy, labeled food in sufficient quantity; innovation in food products; policies on the use of antibiotics and substances in animal production and supply chain mapping.
Occupational Health and Safety

ESG Minerva Pillar
Prosperity of Our People
Our focus
Employees’ working conditions: appreciation, training and development; quality of life programs; performance and management in work accidents and fatalities; mapping of the theme in the business chain.
Animal welfare

ESG Minerva Pillar
Product Quality and Respect for Life
Our focus
Public commitments and policies to guarantee the well-being of animals and their deployment in the production chain, including management processes in the supply of proteins and other ingredients of animal origin.
Activity Market

ESG Minerva Pillar
Product Quality and Respect for Life
Our focus
Relationship with the international market, complying with policies, regulations and sanitary restrictions on the export of products.